Stamford Capital Investments


Stamford Capital Investments – secure investor portal.

This platform allows investors to view real-time data and reports regarding their investments and loans, and apply for new investments. The existing platform was built in Salesforce and was in need of a cleaner and more streamlined portal, with increased functionality.

My Role

I was the lead UX/UI designer responsible for redesigning the existing Stamford Capital Investments secure investor portal.

I worked closely with Stamford management to understand the limitations and user pain points with the existing platform, reviewed user testing analysis to determine which areas of the portal were most critical and worked with a specialised Salesforce development team to formulate the new designs in keeping with the client and Salesforce requirements. I prepared all UI and UX requirements which were successfully implemented by the development team.

My Approach

Based on this research I prepared various user flows, showing the various pain points for users and proposed updated user flows and screen flows, including final UI screen designs to address these usability issues.


Successful implementation of the new investor portal with current discussions to create a mobile app for enhanced user experience for Stamford’s investors.